Painting News

How to Store Paint

If you are purchasing paint for an exterior or interior painting project, it is important to know how to store the leftover product once the job is done. Though this seems like a simple task, there are several considerations to keep in mind to ensure that your paint is still in good condition if you need it in the future. Moisture, air, and broken lids are just a few elements that can cause paint to go bad over time, requiring you to dispose of it and purchase more. As leading providers of painting solutions for projects of all sizes, the professional painters at Dunbar Painting understands how inconvenient this can be. That is why we have provided a list of tips outlining how to store paint and keep it fresh for future use.

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3 Tips to Effectively Store Paint

To ensure that your paint lasts as long as possible, be sure to perform the following steps:

1. Keep the Can Away from Extreme Temperatures

Extreme heat or cold can quickly cause lasting damage to paint. When paint gets too hot, it will dry up and become flaky. When paint gets too cold (below freezing), the ingredients will separate and create a curdled mess. To minimize exposure to extreme temperatures, it is best to avoid locations like the garage or shed and choose areas like closets or cabinets. In addition to extreme temperatures, it is important to avoid humid areas as excess moisture can cause the paint can to rust near the lid. This rust can then fall into your paint when you open the can and ruin it.

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2. Seal the Can Properly

Paint lasts longer when it is stored in an air-tight container. Unfortunately, most individuals compromise this seal when they open the lid for the first time. It is best to use a dedicated paint can opener instead of a screwdriver as the latter can dent or warp the lid. In addition to dents in the lid, it is important to ensure that no paint gets into the recessed groove along the rim of the can to ensure that nothing impedes the seal. Once your project is done and it is time to reinstall the lid, it is best to use a rubber mallet and gently tap the lid into the groove.

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3. Label the Can and Store it in a Safe Location

Once the can is successfully sealed, it is highly recommended to label the can with the current date. If the colour or texture is not clear on the can, be sure to include this information as well. This will help you identify your paint quickly for future projects.

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To learn more about storing paint, choosing the right paint, or to inquire about our painting services, get in touch with the professionals at Dunbar Painting. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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