While all paint may look similar to the untrained eye, there are several differences between paint products that should be considered before making a final choice for your project. Knowing the differences between interior and exterior paint is crucial for understanding why you need each type for certain projects. As a leading provider of exterior and interior painting solutions, the team at Dunbar Painting knows how important it is to choose the right products for every project. That is why we have compiled some information on 4 major differences between interior and exterior paint.
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Interior and exterior paint differ in the following ways:
Binding resin determines how well paint will adhere to a surface. Exterior paints use acrylic as the binding resin, which forms an extremely strong bond. Acrylic can have a harsh odour, so interior paints use epoxy and silicone instead. While resin affects adhesion, pigment gives your paint colour. To avoid adding extra chemicals and fumes into the mix, interior paints typically use organic pigments. These have no harsh odours and are safer to breathe in. Exterior paint needs more durability than interior paint, so you will find non-organic/chemical-based pigments in exterior paint products to achieve this.
Interior paint has lower temperature resistance, reduced water resistance, and will fade faster in sunlight when compared to exterior paint products. Exterior paint is built to withstand years of exposure to harsh weather conditions ranging from heavy rainfall to direct sunlight. In terms of mildew resistance, interior paint products do not generally have any mildewcides added. Since algae, mold, and mildew are all significant threats to the outside of your home, mildewcides are typically added to exterior paint products.
In most cases, oil-based paints tend to dry slower than water-based paints. Regardless of the product, paints that are outside in the open air will dry faster than paints inside without constant airflow. It should also be noted that paint will dry faster in warmer environments. When you combine these factors, exterior paint usually dries quicker, especially if it is water-based.
Exterior paint can typically endure contact with twigs, stones, insects, and other airborne debris. While exterior paint is more durable, quality interior paint is still resilient enough to handle occasional scrubbing and other forms of contact without chipping. Exterior paint is also made to withstand a variety of temperatures from the cold of winter to the heat of summer. Interior paint is only intended to be exposed to a small window of temperatures based on internal climate control settings, so it does not have the same level of temperature resistance.
To learn more about our painting services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at Dunbar Painting. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.