Painting News

Can You Paint a Brick Fireplace?

Interior Painting | February 23, 2023

If your living room or basement has a brick fireplace, you have likely considered painting it at some point. While you can paint a brick fireplace, there are several steps that must be performed to ensure optimal results. As a leading provider of exterior and interior painting solutions delivered with care, the team at Dunbar Painting knows how deceptively difficult painting a brick fireplace can be. That is why we have provided a list of 4 steps to follow for your project to help you determine if this task is something you wish to perform yourself or leave to a professional.

Learn about some common interior painting mistakes.

4 Steps to Paint a Brick Fireplace

To successfully paint your brick fireplace, follow the steps below:

1. Clean and Degrease Each Brick

First, you will need to thoroughly clean and degrease every brick. Even if your fireplace seems like it is clean, it has likely accumulated a significant amount of dirt, dust, and grime over the years. Each of these substances must be removed to allow for optimal paint adhesion, even if the process takes a while. Failure to degrease your fireplace can result in paint streaking, droplets, and other imperfections, so this step must always be performed.

2. Scuff Sand All Bricks

Once every brick has been sufficiently cleaned and dried, you will need to scuff sand them to promote optimal paint adhesion. Before sanding, be sure to cover all nearby furniture and other items as this process can create an abundance of dust and debris. Once every brick has been scuff sanded, wipe them down to remove excess dust.

3. Apply a Masonry Primer

After scuff sanding each brick and removing excess dust from the surface, it is time to apply primer. While you may be tempted to skip this step and go straight for paint, this is not recommended as a lack of primer can result in poor paint adhesion and various cosmetic flaws. When choosing primer for your project, be sure to use masonry primer for optimal results.

4. Apply Two Coats of Your Preferred Paint

Once the primer has been applied and given time to dry, it is time to paint. Apply two coats of your preferred paint slowly and evenly to minimize the risk of pooling or overloaded areas. Be sure to wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second, as painting over wet paint can increase the risk of droplets, splatter, and other problems. For optimal results, consider using trim paint with a high gloss as this will allow for easier cleaning over time.

To learn more about our painting services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at Dunbar Painting. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.

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